Meal Prep Sundays

Are you too busy to cook?  Every Sunday Erin offers a plant-based meal prep class via zoom. Erin sends you the grocery list and then she directs you how to cook the meals via zoom. These classes are very successful, and people truly appreciate the food and love that it tastes so good and has much health benefits.  

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Nutrition Coaching With Erin McDermott, RN, Nutrition Coach, Holistic Nurse, Fitness Coach.

RN HN-BC Board Certified Holistic Nurse, NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Plant Based Nutrition T.Collin Institute of Nutrition Studies, Pro Bodybuilder                                         

  • Holistic approach to food, health, and wellness.

  • Nonrestrictive macro-based eating approach. You’ll be provided customized goals on how much protein, carb, and fat to eat each day.

  • Keep tabs on food quality, hunger, digestion, energy levels, sleep, and stress to make sure your body functioning to its full capacity.

  • Hydration suggestions, and suggestions on how to time your food (in relation to workouts) to ensure you feel great in the gym and in everyday life.  

  • Access to me via phone, email, and text along with weekly check-ins.

  • Nutrition coaching will be a macro-based food approach. As we work together, we will make adjustments to your calories and macros based on body composition, hunger cues, activity levels, and any feedback by you to find your ideal amount of food to live your best life.

  • After working together, you will never resort to fad diets again or cut out any food groups. You will learn what food works best to fuel your body and find balance in your life, each and every day.

  • Weekly weigh-ins every MONDAY.  You weigh yourself first thing in the morning BEFORE eating AFTER going to the bathroom.  You send me your weight and answer a few questions.  I evaluate and make any changes if necessary and continue to monitor your progress.

  • Initial Body Composition Testing with measurements then monthly to check on progress.