20lbs GONE!! 49 years old!!

Another REVOLUTIONARY Transformation! This is Eric and he has been working with coach Sean McDermott for in person strength training sessions and nutrition. He also does monthly check-ins to assess body composition, weight, and measurements. He has lost OVER 20lbs, gained lean muscles mass, lost almost 10% body fat, and many inches off of his waistline. He has gained strength and can handle 18 plates on the leg press-that is almost 900lbs! Eric is not done and still continuing to improve. Great work Eric and we are so glad you chose us to be part of your health and fitness journey.

Hear what Eric has to say: “Sean is a great coach , who constantly encourages me to go outside my comfort zone which really helps keep me focused on my goals. Thanks Sean and thanks Revolution Fitness for being with me every step of the way on this fitness journey.”

Want a revolutionary transformation like Eric? Contact us! We do in person and online training!

This is Dr. Rosita and her 3-month transformation. The smile tells it all! See below for the updated photos.

Dr. Rosita and her 4-month progress so far but she is not done! Coached by Sean and Erin, Nutrition by Erin.

Karen at age 52 after 5 months working with us!

Karen at age 52 after working with us for only 5 months and losing fat while gaining muscle on her strength and nutrition plan with us! Hear what Karen has to say about her transformation:

“As I look at these pictures, a few things come to mind. In the picture on the left, I was doing a lot of cardio - because I like it and it helps with my mental health. But I was also eating like crap. Takeaway: no amount of cardio can offset bad diet. I also wasn't doing heavy lifting. I would workout with light weights and bodyweight. Picture on the right - heavy lifting yields toned body and not bulk. Also, to get to the picture on the right, I was about 80% compliant. That included a lot of "pizza Sundays". Takeaway: a little goes a long way. Now that the show is about 10 weeks out, there will be 100% compliance and I can't wait to see what that yields. Other things that might be useful to know: I will be 53 in September. I am heading into menopause. I have had 3 C-sections. I am not naturally thin. Since I was a teenager, I have always had to work at it. I was never the type of person who could eat whatever I wanted without putting on weight. Sometimes we do not even try things because we do not believe it is possible. Not everyone wants to wear a bikini or enter a fitness competition . . . some just want to get back into their smaller-sized jeans or feel comfortable in their bathing suit. No matter what your goals are, I think it is important to know that anything is possible. It may not be a easy or a straight road, but you can get there. I feel like I am living proof of that. Getting coaching from people who really know what they are doing like Erin McDermott and Revolution Fitness was one of the best decisions I ever made.”

Here is Karen’s EXACT workout and you can purchase it here:

George contacted us for help with a nutrition plan. He was already doing some serious strength training but wanted to be able to see his six pack again. I think it is safe to say it is working! So far he is down 10lbs and has lost body fat and inches from his waistline and what is better is that he has lost inches but gained muscle on his nutrition plan! He lives locally but works with us on a monthly basis to check in on his progress where we take measurements, body composition and weight. Keep up the great work George!

Congratulations to personal training client and member Elizabeth. She has lost over 20lbs working with us!


~She made the call to us (First step)

~She showed up for a consultation (Second step)

~She strength trained multiple days per week with us 1:1 (3rd step)

~We set her up on a solid nutrition plan (4th step)

~ SHE followed through (MOST IMPORTANT STEP)

~She can now squat 135lbs, flip a tire that weighs over 200lbs, bench press, dead lift, do multiple rounds of HIIT, none of which she could do prior to working with us.

~This is just the beginning for her!!

Elizabeth we are so proud of you and happy you chose us to be part of your health and fitness journey.

Keep going and keep DARING TO BE STRONG!


Sara’s Testimonial

Michelle’s Testimonial

Armando is a member her at Revolution Fitness and takes the classes but signed up to work with us on his nutrition. Listen to him talk about how he is doing! We offer nutrition coaching. Just ask!